Red eyes in a dog can be both normal and indicative of the course of pathological processes. If the pet is not a breed that has this physiological feature, it is better not to delay the visit to the veterinarian. If a severe inflammatory process develops, the animal may partially…
What are allergies in dogs? An allergy is a condition of hypersensitivity of the immune system to a certain substance called an allergen. Most allergens are proteins from plants, insects, animals or foods. In allergies, the immune system’s response can be harmful to the dog’s body. Exposure to an allergen,…
Emotional state is an important factor affecting the health of all living beings. Often pathologies in the body arise due to constant stress. Psychology and medicine describe in detail the relationship between psycho-emotional upheavals and diseases and even give a term to this phenomenon – psychosomatics. Stress and depression are…
All foods produced for cats and dogs are balanced, that is, contain the necessary set of vitamins and mineral supplements. The health of the animal depends on this. However, sometimes pets need additional vitamin complexes, especially if the diet consists only of natural products. What are vitamins for? Vitamins are…
Undoubtedly, your cat offers you great joy and satisfaction; therefore, occasionally giving them a delectable gift is only fitting. From small pieces of meat to a saucer of cat milk, there are numerous items you may offer your pet for excellent behavior or to express your affection. However, much like…
Tick-borne diseases pose an increasing hazard to the health of both dogs and humans. Ticks are parasites that adhere to animals and humans, feed on blood, and transmit diseases straight into the host’s body. The sickness occurs when an infected tick bites a dog or human and transmits the disease…
We love our pets as much as we love ourselves. And why wouldn’t we? After all, they are a part of our family—a part of us. The cute, little furry friends have our hearts, and we never want them to get hurt or injured. Nevertheless, things can go wrong. Emergencies knock the…
If your dog seems nervous or anxious whenever you leave the house, you must try to figure out what is causing his anxiety. It could be several things, and if you can’t determine the cause right away, you will need to ensure that he gets excellent care until his anxiety…
It’s not safe to give your pet the tomato fruit as it contains Lycopene, which is highly harmful. However, if we’re talking about just tomatoes specifically, then there isn’t much reason to worry about. As mentioned earlier, tomatoes don’t contain any toxins that are extremely dangerous for dogs unless they…
Parvovirus is a tiny infectious pathogen that primarily affects the gastrointestinal tract of dogs. Parvo in dogs can cause severe illness and death in some cases. This article discusses identifying symptoms, treatment options, and ways to prevent your dog from getting sick if it has parvo disease. There are many…