As the owner of the dog, you are fully responsible for the life and health of your pet. What conditions and care you provide to your dog will directly affect its well-being. If you consider your dog your best friend, then you will do everything possible for its health and happiness. Being the owner is not so easy, because you take responsibility for more than one year. Therefore, it is so important to know whether everything has been done for the benefit of your beloved pet. Here are some of the basic rules of full-fledged dog care.

1. Good care

The quality of pet care affects its appearance and the health of all organs. It is important to adhere to all the recommendations of experts about the content of a particular breed of dog. Haircut and regular combing is a prerequisite for a beautiful coat. In summer, too long hair can cause overheating, and short hair can cause sunburn. Therefore, it is better to order such services from professionals.

Some breeds of dogs can not do without swimming in open water. So that bathing does not cause illness after each of them, it is important to wash the dog with clean water.

Another side of care is long claws. They not only do not look aesthetically pleasing, but also cause a lot of inconvenience to the dog. Therefore, their length must be monitored and shortened in time.

Dogs ‘ teeth are prone to caries, so they need to be cleaned. The sooner you get your puppy used to this procedure, the easier it will be for you later. Naturally, you need to buy a special paste for cleaning.

2. Examination at the veterinarian

Prevention of diseases of dogs consists of the health of dogs and periodic examinations at the veterinarian, about once every three months. Even if you think that the pet is healthy, there are a lot of diseases that do not have clear signs and do not particularly manifest themselves in external changes or deviations in the behavior of the dog. It is difficult for an ordinary person to notice small deviations or small nuances of the dog’s behavior, only a professional can draw the right conclusions about the condition of the animal.

In any case, if the slightest signs of malaise appear in the dog, it is necessary to come to the veterinarian for an examination. The earlier the correct diagnosis is made and the treatment is prescribed, the more effective and easier the recovery of the dog will be.

3. Physical activity

Moderate physical activity has a positive effect on the dog’s health. Daily walks in the forest or park will help keep your pet in good physical shape and will prevent obesity.

You need to walk your dog at least twice a day. This will help keep your pet in shape, and will not let him get bored. The required physical activity depends on the breed and size of the dog.

make your dog healthy with kinpurYou should also master at least a minimum set of commands that will facilitate your mutual understanding with the dog. It will save you from mistakes in raising a dog and help you establish a good trusting and harmonious relationship with your pet.

The dog is a very loyal and loyal friend. Her master is her whole family. Of course, the dog loves each member of your family in its own way, but only with one of them does it establish the closest and most trusting relationship. Prolonged exposure to loneliness, boredom can have a very bad effect on the well-being of the dog. So, it is necessary to provide the dog with regular walking, active ball games and other types of activity.

4. Fresh water

The presence of clean and fresh water in your pet’s bowl eliminates the possibility of dehydration. Therefore, it is important to change it in time and pour it only in clean dishes. Any microorganisms from stagnant water can lead to various diseases.

Regular water treatments will not only rid the dog of unpleasant odors, but also strengthen its health. Animals, like people, are also susceptible to skin diseases, so they require special care.

5. High-quality and proper nutrition

Nutrition is half of your pet’s health. Modern dry dog food and wet dog food must always meet the quality criteria, so it is important to select them with special responsibility. It is important that the composition of dog food has a complex of all the necessary minerals and trace elements for the health of the dog. Premium dog food meets all the necessary requirements and nourishes the dog’s body well. With a properly balanced diet and necessary vitamins for digs, your pet will be active, and its immune system will counteract the penetration of infections.

Remember that the quality and balance of the pet’s nutrition depends on its health, since it is the food that is the source of the dog’s vitality. Only at the expense of nutrition, the dog makes up for its energy costs.

The question of the pet’s diet is the use of supplements. Their amount must be strictly regulated, as an overabundance can cause allergies or lead to weight gain.

The main thing when choosing support supplements for dogs is not to chase cheapness. Economy class ones are of low quality, they may contain dangerous chemicals, dyes, and flavor enhancers. In this case, it is not necessary to talk about a full and healthy diet for your pet, moreover, giving such supplements can cause significant damage to the dog’s health.

It is also significant to find out which kind of supplements to take, since there are many of them and each dog needs an individual approach. It is very stressful for a pet to take pills, so most pet owners choose chews. Chewing is a natural behavior for dogs, as it helps to brush their teeth, train their jaws and gives the dog something to do when there is nothing else interesting and the pet is bored and your dog will get beneficial for its health vitamins.

In the composition of premium class supplements, only natural products are used, there are no dangerous chemicals, preservatives, dyes and GMOs. High requirements for the quality of superpremium class chews provide the dog owner with complete confidence that his pet receives a complete, balanced diet that takes into account all the daily needs of his pet in replenishing energy and strength.

Among the companies that produce high-quality premium chews for pets, Kinpur is represented. It has a rich experience in the production of pet supplements. In the food line you will find food for puppies, adult and elderly dogs, for pregnant dogs and dogs prone to certain diseases.

For example, for dogs lacking skin nourishment, softness and strength, Kinpur produces Omega chews for Dogs. This food is designed for adult dogs, thanks to the combination of hemp oil, Valerian root, organic chamomile extract, ginger, vitamin B and other natural extracts, which has a low allergenic potential, the dog perfectly digests and assimilates the food, without having any allergic consequences. It will help to increase dog’s lifespan and the quality of life.

An important indicator of the dog’s health is the condition of its coat. A healthy dog has a clean, glossy, shiny coat, strong hair, and no dandruff. If the dog is sick, the coat may become excessively greasy, tousled, dull, there may be hair loss, dandruff, scratching, rashes, etc. If you want your dog to be happy and healthy, it is recommended to use the Omega Fish Oil Skin and Coat Treats.

Another welfare supplement is Inflammation Hip & Joint Support Chews. These chews have glucosamine, chondroitin, oil & MSM in the composition, so the dogs prone to little elasticity of bones and joints and inflammation are sure to feel better. The food contains all the necessary nutrients for the dog’s well-being, while causing no side-effects.

On each package of Kinpur chews, the mode and correct calculation of the portion volume is indicated, corresponding to the weight of the dog, its age and degree of activity. Follow daily feeding recommendations based on the weight of your dog for getting all the benefits for a dog’s health.

Every dog owner should constantly closely monitor the state of health, changes in the behavior of their dog, know what signs indicate a deterioration in well-being. It is important to know how to care for your pet. Unfortunately, problems with the health of dogs happen, because dogs are living creatures. But your attention, patience, love and care will help you overcome all adversities and keep your dog healthy for many years to come.

We are responsible for those we have tamed. Dogs, being extremely strong and hardy in natural conditions, are very vulnerable and defenseless in the human world. Therefore, the care of a four-legged friend falls entirely on your shoulders.

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